Goodbye la France

I'm Francesca Tereshkova, a British girl who washed up on the shores of France aboard a Eurolines bus in 1998. I came to France the day after I finished my University finals. I'm now 32 with two children. I married my Russian boyfriend (now 'hubski') in 2003. And I've learned as much about France as I need to know. In August 2006, I brought my family back 'home' to the UK. We're still adjusting... This is my story.

Location: Formerly the Parisian suburbs, now the town of E., Darkest Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

I get perverse enjoyment from doing the opposite of what everyone else does. I wish I could stop but I can't. So when thousands of Frenchies were leaving France to find work and to make a better life in the UK, I chose to do exactly the opposite. That was in 1998. My French experience is unlike any I have read about in the vast Brit-in-France literary sub-genre. I have no French boyfriend or family, no country house. Dog poo has never inspired me to pick up a pen. I have recently given up on France ever changing, or me ever changing, and brought my family back to the strange new world that is England in 2006. This blog, part life-story, part diary, is my way of saying goodbye la France, and hello Angleterre (or in the Oxfordshire vernacular, 'Orwoight?').

Monday, July 03, 2006

Just for you Zizou

Apart from the fact he plays football that even I can see is beautiful to watch, I have always had a soft spot for Zinedine Zidane.

I love the way that when you watch clips of him play, you can always tell what year it is by the size of his bald spot. I love his smile, which manages to be both shy and ear-splittingly genuine. I love his monotonous post-match dissections, so at odds with the poetry of his performance on the pitch. I love the fact that despite his modest bearing and origins (the son of an Arab immigrant from a rough area of Marseilles), he has acheived success through talent alone. He seems like a thoroughly nice bloke, and it must be said, very different from some of the England players that you wouldn't fancy meeting down an alleyway.

What a shame our lot can't move on from the penalty shoot-out death spiral. The first England team that manages it should all be knighted.

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm supporting France for the rest of this tournament. Just for you Zizou.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found your blog, and it's lovely. Original, beautifully written, delightful. Look forward to following your adventures.

3:32 AM  

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